Sunday, June 8, 2014

You've Got to be Kidding...



I was going to do an update today but I'm doing a restart. Lillian is dead & she didn't finish her goal. I suppose I *could* have Ellis do the Generation Goal, but it just doesn't feel right. It was Lillian's goal & she died before completion.

Game over.

So, to sate your curiosity I'll show you what went down.

I walked away while Lillian performed for tips to check my laundry. I do this all the time, really the only way I can get things done while I play. I came back to this:

Well, Lillian probably wanted to go out with a Bang!

I'll be starting over, we'll see if I blog about it. I probably will since this was a pretty fun project. Thanks for lurking & commenting. Hopefully I'll see you around. = )

Friday, June 6, 2014

It's Been a While

Well, for me. Nearby construction dug up my cable lines so I lost my connection for a bit there. But, I'm back & have updates.

I didn't play the Maxwell's as much as you'd expect between work & not wanting a monster update once I returned, so it won't be as long as you might expect. However, there's big news.

First of all, Lillian graduated:

It was a big deal, they even had a band!

And a birth!
Exciting day all around.

Lillian is getting better at the magic tricks:

Lillian got pregnant not long after this. It was unintentional. I thought, "Oh, they're married & only need one kid so they'll just do risky woohoo until they wish for a baby or she happens to get knocked up."

First shot.

Ellis was ecstatic.

Lillian must be at the part where it describes how big the baby's head will be.

Say hi to Tabitha! She is artistic & athletic so far.

During the pregnancy Ellis was inspired to get a tattoo. He tried to be brave about it, but mostly failed...

He pretty much whined & squirmed the whole time, but it was a nice sentiment. It's a pink & grey Celtic knot (pink & grey are Lillian & Ellis' fave colors). Lillian was unable to get a tattoo that week, so once Tabitha was born she got 2 more to make up for the missed week.

She's looking quite badass at this point.

Carwin & Beau are exclusive now.

I plan on having them marry & move in together once Carwin ages up. They're so cute together.

Oh! Rebecca married Girbits & they have a baby now btw. I have no idea how that'll turn out, here's hoping the baby looks like her.

Ellis has been working a little, but mainly helping with Tabitha. Lillian has been working the most since, well, magic is way more fun than fishing to me.

Bet the proprietor behind her wishes he'd booked her now.

And Lillian's career is moving along nicely.

Lillian has been keeping in touch with Rebecca. They had a girls night not too long ago.

Lillian got a bit distracted for a few.

But soon remembered exactly why she was there. They had a good time overall.

Tabitha has aged up to toddler.

The blonde hair seems like it's here to stay.

Now for the sad news.

Nikia is gone. Sad day. She had a great life & she's missed very much by everyone. Her antics were the highlight of the founding generation.

And, naturally, Janet decided to get cozy with Death.

"You should make me a sammich."
Apparently, Death loves pb&j.

The next night Death came to visit again.

Janet left us too.

Good old Janet; helper, confidante & sanity amidst Nikia's whirlwind of chaos. You were the anchor to which everyone clung to. And your pancakes were perfect. We'll all miss you.

I guess Death decided to get comfortable, just in case...

The twins are together in their fancy gilded urns. Guess we need to plan a funeral soon.

It's been a rough time for the Maxwells.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Happy Sadness

I suppose I ought to begin with the basic recap as I usually do.

Nikia is now a Distinguished Director. This was taken during the 'big day' of her promotion.

The Director's Chair of Power.

She has also gotten 2 more film awards which she proudly displays:

They also own the studio now. Hooray! Last goal complete.

She's gotten an Extravagator for being a celebrity, though she's now driving the Evasion for whatever reason. Maybe the cops were getting suspicious about the Vaguester.

We're haunted.

Guess Danielle decided that the afterlife was the perfect time to work on that trick shot she'd always wanted to learn.

Third & fourth tattoos.

"Om nom nom"
First gnome. Surprising at this point. I'm usually overrun by now.

Carwin has taken to pranking his cousin.

... and getting into mischief.

Now, if you've been following you know that Lillian is known for losing track of time (with Ellis) & being brought home by the cops. Well, Carwin was at Ellis' house & got into trouble... I'm wondering if Ellis is a bad influence.

Anyhow, Nikia was pissed as you can imagine, but unlike Janet it took her days to calm down. So many that Carwin's grades went from an A to a D because, unlike Lillian, he couldn't escape. Poor kid.

She forgave him in time for prom & he went with Lillian & Ellis.

What a handsome trio.
So they went, had a great time, & Carwin found love... with Beau. Turns out Carwin is gay (I know Sims start out bi but I never try to influence them either way, they love who they love).
I'm thrilled! Beau is actually a good match, & cute:

Good job Carwin! I hope you are both very happy.

So, now to backtrack. Sometimes my thoughts aren't quite linear so you'll have to bare (bear? No, bare) with me at times.
Uh oh... another party
Rebecca's birthday.
Sad & happy all at once since she's not the heir but I'm attached to her. She's Lillian's best friend, confidante & silent partner in crime.

Isn't she lovely? There were no mishaps this time, just lots of fun & cake... & before too long it was time to say goodbye.

I moved her into a house across town. She's writing books now & dating Girbits Worthington of all people. (Yes, he's old now.)

Nikia & Janet have also aged up. I was surprised neither wanted a party, so I didn't force one on them. Nikia wanted to go to the art gallery (she's never wanted to go there before in her life) & Janet wanted to go to the Festival.

I guess Nikia wanted to seem cultured for once in her life.
Janet aged up first. She seemed so excited.

Her default appearance did not do her justice, so I colored her hair save for a few greys & gave her clothes to her tastes. She seems to genuinely enjoy being an elder.

Nikia ended up at a party, of course & was her usual 'charming' self...

A cougar on the prowl.
Yep, hitting on one of Rebecca's childhood pals. Bad girl. -chuckle-

Old Nikia. I coloured her hair because I know, I know, she'd never let herself go grey. Or admit her age.

Case in point:

"I may be old, but I can show you a thing or two..."
Get it, girl!
... And back to Janet.

-shakes head-
(I was sad to see them age up to elder. We've had such a great time... I'll miss them when they go.)
Between these things was the proposal.

Say it with me: "Awwwwww..."
A few days later it was Lillian's turn to age up.
Now, I have to let you in on something; Janet has never wished the normal things for Lillian. Never wished to see her age up well, never wished to throw her a birthday party, teach her to drive or see her graduate. Nikia & Rachel were there for her, not Janet. If Janet did anything for Lillian I made her do it.
That's why she's my heir. Well, mostly. I just liked her from that first constipated smile she gave, really, but her non-relationship with her mom struck a chord & I swore she'd be happy.
Now, the birthday party!

Look at that face... She's so freaking happy to see that cake. It looks as if she wants to do a nosedive into it.

And for some odd reason the screenie I took in CAS after her clothes/hair didn't save, so I'll just continue without it.

"Step off my cake, bitch!"
Look at that bitchs' eyes! That is one sexy cake!!! First Lillian wants to make sweet, cakey love to it & now this chick wants in. And Lillian looks like she's about to deck her.
Lillian could definitely take her.
And a good time was had by all.
The next day was Lillian's first day of work as a Magician.
... It went poorly at best.
Then came the bachelorette party! Woot! Lillian decided to have it at Los Suenos (sorry, I can't do squiggles) Private Club.
The beginning was rather mundane & apparently Lillian decided she was wearing too many clothes.

She asked her cousin to make a speech.

She did & then ran away. Not sure what she said, but it must've been insulting or something for her to sprint like she did. That certainly didn't keep Lillian from enjoying her last night of singledom.
Much nectar was spilled.


Plenty of shenanigans to be had.
"They call me DJ Sexypants."

People passed out & puddles of pee on the floor? NOW it's a party!
Lillian & her friends partied until they were kicked out of that place.
Once everyone was sobered up Lillian planned the wedding. The only place big enough was the Festival Grounds & I thought that was perfect since Lillian & Ellis had their first real date there.
Never fails. Big moment = perfect time to call.
Such a beautiful moment.
Too bad Janet missed it. Note that she's the one on the skating rink & not watching the wedding. The only Sim in the whole damn park not watching her daughter's wedding. I think she needs therapy.

Even the Proprietor was watching! (And got stuck clapping so I had to reset him)

You need help.
And so, after much food was eaten & best wishes were made, Ellis & Lillian decided to go back to their little apartment Nikia (& I guess Janet) created for them.

Ain't it cute? I designed it as if both Nikia & Janet had decorated it for them.
And now for the Honeymoon...
Side Note: Since Lillian aged up it was bugging me who she reminded me of. I kept looking at her face, thinking she looked like an actress or model or something but couldn't figure out who.
Well, this helped me out:

Uma Thurman.

Uncanny, no?

Not intentional. I haven't done anything with Lillian's face at all. In fact, I had to look & see if she'd even be bearable as a young adult since she was such a... um... awkward looking(?) child.

Ok, back to the silliness!

"Oh I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner..."